Star Qualitys Anna Maries Karla

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Aars (DK), 2019/10/12

Catalog No: 29
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Marit Sunde (N)
Written critics: 5 år, stor kraftig , substansfuld tæve. med korrekte hovedproportioner, men dog noget smalt, noget hængende underlæbe. en anelse tunge ører, ønsker noget mere forbryst, kileformet brystkasse noget korte underarme, kunne stå bedre på poterne, en kraftig tildels tung krop, noget lang i lænden, tilstrækkeligt vinklet bagtil, bevæger sig godt bagtil, noget smalt fortil, korrekt temperament. en helt igennem dejlig familehund.

Gold Cup Herning (DK), 2019/07/20

Catalog No: 89
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Rita Breesch (B)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 5 yrs old, good type, beautiful head, good scull, good earset, dark eyes, scissor bite, good transition from neck to shoulder, good topline and chest, good transition from neck to shoulders, good tailset, broad chest, good coat, good drive moved well

Gold Cup Herning (DK), 2019/07/17

Catalog No: 74
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Gerard O´Shea (S)
Written critics: 5 yr old female, strong substance and bone, little long in body, sufficient width of scull, normal stop, dark medium eyes deep set, ears set a little low, correct bite, good lip line, excellent neck, withers and overline standing, strong ribbing, good forechest, very strong front and back angulation, slightly steep to the pelvis, straight forehand of sufficient length, little down on pastern, correct coat, very good colour movement: very good carriage, reach and drive, clean going, a little rocky coming

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2019/06/23

Catalog No: 701
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Jurate Butkiene (LT)
Written critics: feminin quite well made front and strong yet bitch, her croup is loaded too lot, sable hock, not able to drive correct way, good feminin head, and lovely presented today

Egtved Special (DK), 2019/04/14

Catalog No: 35
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Suzanne Archer (GB)
Written critics: substancial girl, nice head, good shoulder and good depth of chest, would prefer to see a stronger bone in rear pasterns, front movement good, rear movement could be stronger

Egtved Special (DK), 2019/04/13

Catalog No: 42
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Marie K. Due Petersen (DK)
Written critics: 5 år gammel meget fin model, kvadratisk af bygning, solid og velbygget, velformet skalle, tydelig stop, mørke velplaceret øjne, velansatte øre i største lag, firkantet næse parti, korrekt bid, noget overhængende læber, god hals lige ryg, velansat og korrekt båret hale, veludviklet brystkasse, solid ben stamme, en anelse blød i håndroden for og bag til, bevæger sig lidt indtået for men korrekt bag,

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2019/02/10

Catalog No: 2012
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Birte Scheel (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 4 år og 9 mdr., meget feminin hoved og udtryk, korrekt kvardratisk næseparti, mørke øjne, passende lang hals, ganske godt frontparti, kompakt krop, lige overlinie, velvinklet bag, passende kraftig benstammer, frie bevægelser men kunne være lidt mere parallel foran, fin pels og temperament.

Nyborg (DK), 2019/01/26

Catalog No: 47
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Juliet Leicester-Hope (GB)
Written critics: Black bitch with a pleasing expression, nice dark eyes, lacking the spring of ribs, tail a little short, movement a little erratic

Nyborg (DK), 2018/11/24

Catalog No: 43
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Joanne E. Watts (GB)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 4 years, presented in good hard condition, superb width of scull, dark eye would prefer a little tighter , strong dentition, balanced on the move, showing plenty of reach and drive, strong top line.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2018/11/04

Catalog No: 648
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Camilla Gothen (DK)
Written critics: 4 årig tæve af god størrelse, kompakt helheds indtryk, velskåret hoved med bred skalle og kraftigt næseparti, lidt lavt ansatte ører, korrekt bid, god benstammer og poter, god hals og ryglinie, veludviklet krop, velvinklet for og bag, velgående set fra alle sider, god pels og farve, godt temperament

Herning CACIB (DK), 2018/11/03

Catalog No: 643
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Michael Leonard (IRL)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Overall some nice quality, excellent breed type, I like the shape3 and size, the outline is correct, the body is perfectly balanced with correct height of legs and length of back, also has a beautiful head with correct expression, good hind actions, to be critical the front could be slightly stronger, she is also lacking in body.

Gold Cup Korsör (DK), 2018/07/22

Catalog No: 115
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Beatrice Schiatti (I)
Written critics: 4 yrs old, very feminine, dark eyes, correct bite, her muzzle is a bit long compared to the size, correct chest, solid body with strong topline, correct underline, correct tail, excellent angulation front and rear, elegant neck, coat quality is a bit soft, her movement is very nice - especially the sidegait.

Gold Cup Korsör (DK), 2018/07/19

Catalog No: 106
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: William Dobbin (IRL)
Written critics: Very good, good size female, would like to see more sweet expression on the head, would like to see more almond shaped eye, good reach of neck, good depth of rib cage, good bone front and rear, excellent topline, would like to see better movement, slightly sidegait on the move.

Jelling (DK), 2018/04/22

Catalog No: 36
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Karin Butenhoff (D)
Written critics: 4 Jahre alte, kräftige, harmonisch aufgebaute Hündin von korrektem Format, femininer Kopf, komplettes Scherengebiss, dunkelbraune Augen, vorzügliche Ohren, anatomisch vorzüglich gewinkelt, Brust ist vorzüglich ausgeformt, sie steht auf vorne geraden, hinten leicht ausdrehenden in der Knochenstärke passenden Läufen, die Bewegung ist flüssig und frei, freundliches Wesen.

Jelling (DK), 2018/04/21

Catalog No: 32
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Bernard Metraux (CH)
Written critics: 4 Jahre alte, kräftige Hündin, kräftiges Scherengebiss und trockene Lefzen, braune Augen mit leicht sichtbarer Bindehaut, korrekte Hals- und Rückenlinie, gut entwickelte Brustbreite und –tiefe, sehr gute Winkelungen der Vor- und Hinterhand, flüssiges Gangwerk, sehr gepflegtes Haarkleid, sicheres Wesen.

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2018/02/10

Catalog No: 531
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel (D)
Written critics: feminine head, good expression, correct stop, dark eyes, well carried ears, good neck, well build body, strong topline, good depth of chest, nice front and hind quarters, moves a bit open in front, good coat and temperament.

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2018/01/28

Catalog No: 44
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Jan Counotte (B)
Written critics: 3 years old Black female, medium sized, nice feamle head with a dark eyem, good muzzle with complete scissorbite, good neck, topline a bit dropping Down in the back, correct angualtion in front, sickelhook the rear, a bit week in pasterns, nice an free in the movement.

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2018/01/27

Catalog No: 53
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul D´Hooge (B)
Written critics: 3,5 years old, medium sized, slightly to long in body, therefor out of balance in total, lovely dark eye, giood stop and Deep muzzle, correct ears, strong neck in to good shoulders, good topline croup and tailset, plenty of chest, good spring of ribs, strong loin, elbows nicely under the body, well angulated, fitting bone, on a Goof feet, moved with a lot of stamina.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2017/11/05

Catalog No: 1192
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Charlotte Hoier (DK)
Written critics: smuk model, meget feminin med herlige linier og smuk silhouet, tiltalende hoved, flot hals, en anelse lang i lænden men med flot overlinie, lidt svag i mellemhånden, dejlig veludfyldt krop, jeg kunne ønske hendes næseparti en anelse kortere, velgående.

Herning CACIB (DK), 2017/11/04

Catalog No: 1046
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Bo Skalin (S)
Written critics: bra storlek, korrekt huved med bra uttryk, vacker hals, bra vinkler, lite long i lenden, passende benstommer, rør sig bra, lite mjyk i pelsen men bra færg, bra rastyp, trevligt temperament.

Terslev Seeland (DK), 2017/10/08

Catalog No: 40
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Susanna Johansson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 3 årig feminin tik, en lang model. Et hoved som fortyrres af et noget langt næseparti. Korrekt bett. En anelse store øron. Sunde øgon. Udemærket hals og ryg. Velforemet brystkurv. noget stejl overarm og fremskudt skulder.Velvinklet knæs og hase. Passende benstammer. Udemærket pels og farve. Velvist. Treveligt temp. Rør sig vel.

Terslev Seeland (DK), 2017/10/07

Catalog No: 38
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Lisbet Utke Ramsing (DK)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Kompakt tæve med en noget tung underlinje. Kraftigt hoved med velplaceret øjne. Lidt kort skalle ift. næseparti. Tilstrækkelig forbryst. Udemærket hals, eftergivende overlinje. Udemærket hale, udemærket vinkler, middelkraftige benstammer. Hun har frie bevægelser med et god afskub fremme og bag, korrekt pels og et godt temperament.

Juleudstilling Strib (DK), 2016/11/20

Catalog No: 40
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Astrid Indreboe (N)
Written critics: 2½ år, udm type, veludviklet snudeparti, kunne have været bedre udfyldt under øjne udm hals og overlinie, velplaceret skulder, velvinklet og gode benstammer, racetypiske bevægelser, udm pels trivelig temperament,

Herning CACIB (DK), 2016/11/06

Catalog No: 757
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Sean Delmar (IRL)
Written critics: eyes a little too big, ex. foreface, nice clean bite, good bodyshape, would like ribbcage a little fuller, ex. h indquarters, good coat, would like movement more positive hind,

Herning CACIB (DK), 2016/11/05

Catalog No: 773
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Svend Lövenkjaer (DK)
Written critics: herligt frit bevægende tæve, fine proportioner, god størrelse, skulle have meget mere skalle og bedre markeret stop, lidt for langt næseparti, flot hals, meget godt forbryst, fine forben men lidt blød ml hånd, herlig stærk ryg og lænd, fin underlinie, lidt blød i sin has, velplejet pels

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2016/10/02

Catalog No: 38
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Monica Mattfolk (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 2½ år gammel af udmærket type, tiltalende feminint hoved, mærke vackre øjne, bra næseparti og bid, kunne have strammere læber, udmærket hals og overlinie, vel vinklet rundt om med bra bryst parti, vises i udmærket kondition, rør ig frit og ledigt med bra drive, treveligt temperament

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2016/10/01

Catalog No: 43
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Eva Liljekvist Borg (S)
Written critics: Feminin tik, tilstrækkelig bred i skallen acceptabel stop, bra næseparti, korrekt overlinie, kunn evære tanke kortere i lænden, på grænse til overvinklet bag, lidt blød i mellemhånd, meget ustabil frem og bag, tiltrækkelig fra siden, udemærket pelsanlag

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2016/07/24

Catalog No: 104
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Fabrizio La Rocca (I)
Written critics: very good in size, balanced body, little bit long muzzle, could have better head profile, dark eyes, complete scissor bite, ears well set on, little bit long, excellent neck, excellent point of sternum, little bit too angulated in the back, strong feet, typical coat, strong croup, correct tail, long step.

Gold Cup Nyborg (DK), 2016/07/22

Catalog No: 107
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Irene Donné (N)
Written critics: 27 mdr, god størrelse, godt kønspræg, bra skalle, god dybde i snudepartiet som gerne kan blive lidt bredere, udmærket udtryk, udmærket hals og overlinie, bra vinklet fremme, godt forbryst, stærk ryg, velvinklet bak, udmærket benstamme, udmærket steg, velstilt og velpræsenteret.

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2016/06/12

Catalog No: 819
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Jens Utke Ramsing (DK)
Written critics: middelkraftig bygget tæve, udmærket hoved, korrekt bid, velbårne lidt store ører, lidt små mørkbrune og en anelse dybt indsatte øjne, udmærket hals, overlinje og vinkler bag, fremme endnu lidt blød og eftergivende mellemhånd, prima pels, gode frie parallelle bevægelser bag, fremme lidt indfodet

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2016/06/11

Catalog No: 833
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Guido Schäfer (D)
Anwartschaft: CK 4.BTK CERT
Written critics: 2 years, exc type, exc proportions and bones, feminine head medium stop small dark eyes, long neck straight topline, exc tailset and carriage, ex angulations , absolutely clear movements with good drive perfect coatcondition very nice presented

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2016/06/10

Catalog No: 789
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK 2.BTK CERT R.CACIB
Written critics: Excellent breed type, excellent size and very feminine, correct proportions and nice topline, correct shape of head, good stop, lovely raindrop shaped eyes, good stop, well developed in front and nice rear angulations, correct body and bone, moves very well and keeping the topline on the movement, also using the tail correctly, very sound movement, this female has very easy and very typical heavy movement.

Otterup CAC (DK), 2016/04/10

Catalog No: 28
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Charlotte Hoier (DK)
Written critics: Racetypisk tæve - herlig helhed. Helt perfekt silhuet. Nu skal hun udvikle sig i bredden - både i hoved, bryst og krop. Hendes skalle er noget smal - stoppet er godt, men næsepartiet er en anele for langt og smalt. Smukke øjne, og sunde øjenomgivelser. God læbelinje. Ganske godt forbryst, veltilbagelagt skulder. Jeg kunne ønske stærkere mellemhænder, god overlinje - krydset lidt affaldende - og hun bør sætte sig i knæviklingen med alderen. Godt langt og redt overlår. Perfekt haleføring. Hun bevæger sig effektivt set fra siden, parallelt bagfra, men noget smalt og indfodet fortil.

Otterup CAC (DK), 2016/04/09

Catalog No: 29
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Zoltan Baffia (HU)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: Pleasing silouet, excellent type, feminin head, her scull needs to develope, exceptional neck, very well developed ribcage for her age. Very nice angulations behind, a little lose feet, free and powerful movement. Very nice grooming and ring training.

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2016/02/13

Catalog No: 385
Rating: gut
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Jochen Eberhardt (D)
Written critics: Frendly bidge, moving happely, nice head with god expression, god readge of neck, ribcage must round out, Hindquarters with very sicikle hacks, very erratic frontmovements, nice coat and temprement.

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2016/01/31

Catalog No: 12
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Satu Ylä-Mononen (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BTK
Written critics: good size and proportions, correct bite, right now, narrow head, big ears, exl neck and topline, medium strong bone, well developed body, good chest, very well angulated in front and rear, corr tailset, moves with exl drive and very well in front and rear, good coat quality,

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2016/01/30

Catalog No: 38
Rating: V4
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Elina Haapaniemi (SF)
Written critics: 21 months old Black, pleasing type, nice size, feminine of very good outline, nice head, which needs to break a Little more, very nice expression, corr.bite, very nice neck and topline, good bone, well bodied for age, hind angulation a touch overdone, and she is slightly sicklehocked, good side movement, but needs to improve coming and going, good coat quality, well presented

Herning CACIB (DK), 2015/11/01

Catalog No: 1381
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Peter van Montfoort (NL)
Written critics: 18 months, very nice femlae, nice head and exprfssion, very clean face, loveluy eyes, good stop foreface compares to the scull lovely neck and topline, good crupp anf tailset, well developed body, strong bone, well balanced movement

Herning CACIB (DK), 2015/10/31

Catalog No: 1244
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Birgit Seloy (DK)
Written critics: 18 mdr tæve, godt hoved og udtryk, godt stop, saksebid, velplacerede en anelse store ører, god toplinie, velplaceret skulder, tilstrækkelig forbryst, acc længde for en tæve, let faldende kryds, normale benstammer, bevæger sig udmærket dog stadig en anelse ungdommeligt, fin præsentation

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2015/10/04

Catalog No: 36
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Anita Al-Bachy (SF)
Written critics: 17 months, a bit long in body, feminin head, good bite, should have more pronouced stop, level stop, lowset big ears, showing some red haws disturbig the expression, level topline, Little long in loin, enough forechest, nice body, good bones, equally angulated, high tailset but carries it well, moves close in front otherwise, nice coattexture, wellpresented

Mosede Fortet (DK), 2015/10/03

Catalog No: 37
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Dr. Steffen Schock (D)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 17 months, Black, very typical newf, typy head, correct ears and eyes, scissorbite, correct front, nice back, excellent hair and grooming, Deep chest, strong paws, very nice angulations, promissing bitch, moved very typical, perfect handling

Gold Cup Herning (DK), 2015/07/18

Catalog No: 50
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Jugend
Judge: Carol Stuckey (GB)
Written critics: well up to size for 15 months - nice outline - good neck and angulations - nice straight frontlegs - Square muzzle - dark eye - topscull need to dedvelope - also Width to chest - moved very well all round -

Gold Cup Herning (DK), 2015/07/17

Catalog No: 55
Rating: V4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Marie-Pierre Delaunay (F)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: 15 months - good size Black girl presented in good condition - correct porportions in head - preper more scull - and a Little shorter muzzle - correct eye and teeth - correct ears - good neck - good bone for the size - very good front and rear angulations - need to develoe chest and ribs - correct topline - good tail - ca be a Little shorter in the body - good rear - correct front - very nice side movement.

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2015/06/21

Catalog No: 493
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Inese Pablaka (LV)
Written critics: nice type feminin could be a bit more compact in body nice euough expressiv head enough market stop good volume muzzel esxellent neck good topline rounded croup good forcheasth correct deeph cheasth moved welll and good temperament

Vejen CACIB (DK), 2015/06/20

Catalog No: 545
Rating: SG4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Attila Czeglédi (HU)
Written critics: good in size a bit soft topline definitely turned out front feet moderate but symmetric front and rear angulation almost crossing in front

Nibe (DK), 2015/04/12

Catalog No: 20
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Johan Andersson (S)
Anwartschaft: CK
Written critics: trevlig helhed, noget smalt huved, ytmerkt hals og overlinie, noget smal i sin front, ytmerkte vinkler, rør sig mycket bag og fran siden, noget trangt frem, ytmerkt temperament

Nibe (DK), 2015/04/11

Catalog No: 23
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Monika Erber (A)
Written critics: good size Young female, correct head, correct ears, eyes and teeth, good neck and topline, good bones and angulation, she can stand correct but has no time for it, is interested in all that surround her, very nice movement, good coat, she needs time to develop

Fredericia CACIB (DK), 2015/02/08

Catalog No: 2012
Rating: SG2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Harto Stockmari (SF)

Nyborg Winter Specialty (DK), 2015/01/25

Catalog No: 39
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Anna Rusinowska (PL)

Gold Cup Ledreborg (DK), 2014/07/21

Catalog No: 10
Rating: vielversprechend
Class: Baby
Judge: Patrick Galvin (GB-IRL)

Gold Cup Ledreborg (DK), 2014/07/17

Catalog No: 9
Rating: vielversprechend
Class: Baby
Judge: Gordon Cutts (GB-IRL)

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